Saturday 29 October 2011

Descent Art Show-Stigma Lab

Designinjah, Inva, Nade, Nastwo, Ser, Simoni, Wake & a bunch of hairy-furry MoFo’s will be heading down to Stigma Lab in Athens for the Descent Art Show!!….we all gottalot to say so express yourself MoFo’s!!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Tuesday 22 March 2011

My highlights from the Pillbox Bazar where the MoFo'S waiting to be adopted!
The smokin parrot!
Jazz jam!
Alex O right!
& all my great fantastic mofo friends that where there!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

95% of people on my blog won't read this, but as we speak, Libyan people are being massacred, because they're rebelling against an unfair government. The elderly, women, children, everyone in Libya is in danger tonight. It's genocide. Reblog this to raise awareness and support the revolution.

Striving for enthusiasm.

Striving for a spark.

Sunday 20 February 2011

This documentary calms my mental disorder.

Eat shit & die MoFo!

Dedicated to the biggest shitface person I have ever probably met in my whole life!

MoFo!friends…theres no place like home…..


Wanna be singers!

Forgotten video club with cheap porn!

The tap reads “SHEEP”!!!

…….VooDoo Greek country side!